Renee's Fine Jewelry is Southport's authority on all things jewelry. Master Jeweler and Exclusive IJO Antwerp Diamond Broker Renee Ward grew up along side her parents designing and reparing jewelry, attending tradeshows, and running the business. Renee's Fine Jewelry has been bringing the best in fine jewelry creations and customer service to the Coastal North Carolina communities of Southport and Oak Island since 1976.

Each year Renee travels to Antwerp, Belguim where she personally hand picks the best diamonds in the world. Antwerp's diamond district, also known as the Diamond Quarter (Diamantkwartier)
consists of several square blocks covering an area of about one square mile. Over 12,000 gemcutters and polishers work within the district. Approximately 80% of the world's rough diamonds pass through this area each year, making it the largest diamond center in the world.